CATI Training Systems is an industry leader in the design and
development of complete physics-based virtual visual environments. We are experienced in supporting today′s
demanding requirements for Visual Systems. CATI Training Systems provides expertise in the production
of high resolution correlated synthetic visual, sensor, and SAF 3D terrain databases.
CATI′s X–IG®, EME®, and X–Gen®
Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) solutions provide high fidelity visualization for
flight simulators as well as a variety of other training systems products
used throughout the military, civil, and commercial as well as training industries.
CATI Training Systems has a long history of scientific advancement and customer support which is combined with substantial subject matter expertise, highly trained technical staff, state of the art facilities, and a history of successful performance. CATI Training Systems′ database and modeling production facility has completed and delivered world-wide databases comprising of high-resolution, correlated, and training capable virtual terrain.
Every system CATI has delivered provides unmatched user friendliness, open architecture, COTS tools and flexible interface options, all designed for ease of use, and low acquisition, overhead and life cycle support costs.
CATI′s image generator systems are the ideal choice for the visualization of simulation training systems.
For over twenty years, CATI has been providing unparalleled rendering performance through advanced
software algorithms and optimizations.
CATI′s X-IG® image generator is a Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) product for PC-based visual simulations.
X-IG is specifically designed around industry standard OpenGL®, a high-performance graphics Application
Programming Interface (API), and OpenFlight®, the 3D standard format for the visual simulation industry.
X-IG® is designed to render real-time Out-the-Window (OTW) and sensor scenes for training and
simulation, creating real-world high resolution photorealistic visual and sensor scenes. X-IG® includes
complete physics-based modeling for atmospheric, NVG, DTV, and IR simulations. X-IG® additionally
includes special effects which complement the image generator enhancing scenes.
Currently in use with various military, civilian, and commercial customers, X-IG® provides high-fidelity visualization
for flight simulators and a variety of other training systems. Advanced data compression, optimization, and paging
algorithms allow X-IG® to render high-density, geo-specific databases of unlimited coverage.
CATI′s Environmental Modeling Editor (EME®)
software is the perfect solution for the rapid
enhancement of X-IG® databases, allowing the end user
to simply select and place features within the training
environment in minutes.
Stenciling- In real-time, X-IG® and EME® will cut, stitch, and smooth the underlying
terrain to allow the user to seamlessly and easily add custom or generic airfields
to existing geo-specific terrain databases.
Increased Realism - EME® provides the capability to achieve unmatched realism for navigation and
orientation cues, final approaches, pattern references, and visual check points.
Real-Time Editing - EME® suite provides a user friendly, real-time integrated viewer and access to several feature libraries containing
various cultural models and features. Data elements are added using a drag and drop interface and can subsequently
be scaled, moved, rotated and then saved to small, easily distributed data files. The addition of new airports,
terminals, and airfield features and the populating of entire urban scenes including buildings has never been this easy.
Cost Savings - EME® lets you freely and continually update airfields and training areas of interest without incurring the high cost and
lengthy delays associated with republishing training databases. EME® was designed to meet emerging FAA/JAA
standards as simulator certification dictates.
CATI has designed a High-Fidelity Virtual Training and Testing System
focused on the unique requirements of the commercial/civil community.
X-Gen® incorporates the latest technology for training payload and air
vehicle operators from basic through full-operational, location-specific training,
and rehearsal procedures.
X-Gen® is based on CATI′s proven image generator
software for real-time scene rendering of the sensor views. X-Gen® also has an
open architecture design which provides a programmable 6-DOF aero-model
that supports any air vehicle control, menus, cued symbology, and 2D map display.
X-Gen® is scalable to run on a laptop, desktop, or full Ground Control Station
configuration. Users have the capability to design and train on custom
scenarios as well as add future updates.